Denny Somach - one time WYSP/Philadelphia programmer - but better known nationally as producer of syndicated and network radio programming has now opened his vault of thousands of hours of interviews and radio specials - free to the world - to the world via Classic Rock Central. The site also has music and artist news and promises new interviews too.
I recall running some of Denny's programming via NBC's Source Radio Network back in the 80s.
There's lots to read - lots to listen to...spend some time there when you can.
and when will people realize that he owns and has access to only 10% of this so-called "library"...he has less than FIFTY hours if that of interviews. WAKE UP - he's a cheat. someone else owns 90%!!!!!!!
Let's be thankful for what Denny Somach is sharing. Its a part of our history and culture. Our generation.
If the above anonymous poster is correct with regard to much more material being available, perhaps he or she could use their influence to get even more released for public consumption.
That would be awesome!
-Dan Kelley
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