Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Two Great Posts

14° - light snow at 8:50am

More later today; but if you can read two things this morning (in addition to this blog) - read these:

Fred Jacobs on the power of P1s:

"...these are indeed the people who are loyal, engaged, and emotional about Radio stations. We need them - badly. But for the most part, Radio continues to look past them, trolling for diarykeepers and possible PPM cooperators."

"Yet, it's the P1s who are still showing up for events and even for meaningless, unentertaining advertiser promotions. They still call the request lines, and they are habituated by our morning shows. And the incredibly great news is that the majority of them are locked and loaded in Radio station databases. We have simple (and free) access to them - in many cases, by the thousands."

A beautiful read here.

AND: Dave Lange on shifting demos:

"The peak year of the boomers was 1957 and now they are 51 years old - in just 3 years they will be out of the 25-54s."

"...the Generation X and Y are taking over the demo and the music of the 80s and 90s is starting to be the mainstay soundtrack for the new 25-44 demos."

"Soon there will be no boomers left. What formats will be the most valuable then?"

Dave's piece is here.

Classic Rock. Where do we go from here?

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