Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sunday Morning Odds & Sods

63° - overcast at 9:15am

Yesterday: With tickets courtesy of my wife's employer, we attended the Michigan State/Bowling Green game at Spartan Stadium here. Perfect weather and a great game - despite sunburn and some questionable officiating.

This Morning:
Listening to Bob Stroud's Rock & Roll Roots on WDRV/Chicago. Lots of Ringo Starr this morning from a new collection - plus some BS&T. Nice!

Reading this morning:

Running yellow lights. Dave Martin with help from Tom Teuber and Gordon McLendon:

"The role of program director as sometime defense attorney. Here again, we are talking about the effective manager as protector. It's one of those additional duties as assigned and it's very important. Talent need protection. Providing the right environment for creative people to do their best work is certainly critical, however, standing up and being their advocate is equally important.

Over our recent lunch in Chicago Tom quoted
Gordon McLendon "Get people to talk about your radio station." Very wise counsel. Long, long before it became vogue to hold forth on the power of word of mouth, viral marketing, et al, Gordon was making it by the truck load and to incredible affect. To get folks talking you need to do something. One needs to go off the rez and take a calculated creative gamble. This involves a measure of risk as does any successful creative endeavor. Talent will perform at their potential only when they feel they have an advocate to champion their work. Great performances come from talent being focused on performing rather than being preoccupied with consequences. Talent need to know they can run the yellow lights."

More from Dave
on management

Radio stories via from Rick Kaempfer. This morning his spotlight is on Laura Witek. Read here.

And: looking forward to more radio stories (in the form of a novel) from Jay Blackburn. We mentioned a book here months ago. It just went to the publisher. More to come.

Have a great Sunday.

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