Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Steal This Post

50° - clear at 10:54pm

Steal from me and you steal twice. And this was stolen with nothing but the most respect for its author. Blogs are all about spreading ideas. And I like spreading great ones.

The brilliant Dave Martin "put to ink" some great words today - on his blog - that I would encourage you to steal and spread:

"The play's the thing. We need to put more play into the everyday. Play will put the show back into show business. Broadcast has spent the better part of twenty years focused on the business at the expense of the show. Without the show, there is no business."

"Play is an important part of the hard work that is the creative process. Play enables, empowers, encourages the creative, the spark."

"Play is what brings the real creatives to the gig, they come to play. Play needs a positive environment, a stage."

"Play requires an advocate and sometime defense attorney."

And then there was more.
Clicking the "comments" link below Dave's post, there's more on the topic from the legendary Tom Kent:

"Young Dave is so correct on "the play is the thing". Maybe that's what drove so many of us to get into this crazy business. It's a job that you can do with fun and pleasure and it doesn't seem like a job at all."

"The paradigm must shift from sales first to the show first and then we will witness how dramatically the bottom line will improve. When we put money first, money will elude us. When the greater mission is first and is driven by passion and talent, watch the money pour in."

"The future of radio is bright and here's a great big fat raspberry to all you naysayers."

Thanks Dave. Thank you Tom.
Dave's entire post - and Tom's complete comments can be found here.

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